The Mediator Release Test, developed by Oxford Biomedical Technologies, is the most innovative and clinically useful test for hidden inflammatory responses to foods and food chemicals.

Measured Inflammatory Responses

The single common feature of all diet-induced inflammatory reactions is that they ultimately cause mediator release (cytokines, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc.) from various white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, lymphocytes).  All food-induced inflammatory reactions involve mediator release, which is the single most important event leading to all the negative effects your patients suffer, including symptom generation.

Because of the vast array of potential mediators and reacting cells, measuring volumetric changes in all circulating white cells after antigen challenge is the most logical, direct, comprehensive, and functional measure of food sensitivity reactions.

Mediator release is the key event that leads to every negative effect your patients suffer.  Therefore, the MRT simplifies a highly complex reaction and translates that into the most useable clinical information you can get – quantifying the inflammatory response to foods and food-chemicals.  And, it is highly reliable with a 93.6% split sample reproducibility.

Not only does the MRT give insight into inflammation provoking foods and food-chemicals, it also identifies your patient’s BEST foods – the foods that form the basis of their LEAP Eating Plan.

Learn more about Certified LEAP Therapist Training.